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7 Top Mobile Learning FAQs

Your online learners are always on the go and they need mobile courses that travel with them. In this article, I\’ll provide answers to the most pressing mobile learning questions, covering some of the basics and benefits of this top eLearning trend.


Answering the Top 7 Mobile Learning FAQs

Mobile device usage is steadily on the rise, which means that more and more online learners are looking for mobile-friendly online training courses to help them achieve their goals. But what are the characteristics of an effective mobile learning experience? Is it the same as responsive eLearning design? And what are the limitations that eLearning pros should consider? Here are the answers to these all-important mobile learning questions and more.

1. What Is Mobile Learning?

The scope of mobile learning is actually much broader than you might think. Many believe that it\’s any online training experience that caters to mobile users, for example, those who use their smartphones or tablets to access online training content. However, it also includes online training experiences that occur on the go. That covers laptop online learners who use Wi-Fi to access the eLearning platform. Mobile-friendly courses give everyone the ability to benefit from your online training course regardless of their device preferences.

2. What Are the Main Benefits of Mobile Learning?

Mobile learning offers a variety of advantages to your online learners and your online training program in general. Here are just a few of the most significant benefits:

    a) Provides \”Moment of Need\” Online Training Support

Mobile learning is accessible around the clock and has no geographic limitations. As such, employees are able to access \”just-in-time\” online training resources whenever the need arises. For example, on the sales floor or before a big client meeting, their smartphones and tablets become valuable training tools that allow them to build skills and improve performance. Microlearning online training activities are brief but targeted. They focus on specific skills, tasks, or topics that align with real-world challenges, for example, a three-minute product demo that helps your employees meet their sales goals.

If you want to make your online training content even more effective for mobile learning use, make it micro @PulseLearning #Mobilification

— PulseLearning (@PulseLearning) March 1, 2017

    b) Improves Knowledge Retention

Mobile learning is convenient and easily accessible. Online learners have the power to access online training materials in a bite-size format. As such, they are more likely to absorb and assimilate information before moving onto the next topic. Mobile learning also helps to prevent cognitive overload and improves knowledge retention.

    c) Increases Online Learner Engagement and Motivation

Online learners are looking for convenient, timely, and easily digestible online training experiences. Mobile learning checks off all of these boxes. As a result, you have the power to increase learner engagement, motivation, and participation. Mobile learning experiences are flexible and adaptable. They are accessible on any device and online learners can access materials that are relevant to their needs.

3. How is Responsive eLearning Design Related to Mobile Learning?

Responsive eLearning design involves online training content that adjusts to fit any device. That includes PCs, laptops, smartphones, and tablets. Mobile learning refers to online training experiences that happen anytime, anywhere using a mobile device. That being said, you can use a responsive design tool to develop mobile-friendly eLearning courses.

4. Can You Still Monitor Online Training Effectiveness on Mobile Devices?

Many Learning Management Systems offer the same report and analytics features for mobile learning as traditional online training. Therefore, you can still track every aspect of your mobile learning course from your dashboard, from online learner performance and completion rates to detailed online training assessment results. If you\’re looking for a new Learning Management System, make sure to ask about responsive design features and reporting capabilities. You should also determine on which metrics you need to improve your online training investment . Certain Learning Management Systems even provide customizable LMS reports.

5. Do You Have to Modify Traditional Online Training Courses for Mobile Use?

The simple answer is \”yes.\” However, you can still reuse and repurpose your traditional online training content. The key is condensing your online training materials to make them mobile friendly and decluttering the eLearning course design. For example, remove or resize images and turn text blocks into bullet lists. Mobile learning centers on quick, bite-size bursts of information that target specific learning objectives. You may also need to modify your typography and navigation menu. Smaller fonts are illegible while larger fonts occupy too much screen space on mobile devices. Likewise, bar-style navigation menus are suitable for PCs and laptops, but a drop-down menu icon is your best bet for mobile learning courses.

6. What Are the Primary Limitations for Mobile Learning?

Smaller screens and bandwidth are the most significant mobile learning limitations. The lack of screen space means that you can\’t use large images or graphics. You should also avoid high-resolution charts and infographics. For best results, compress your files so that they load more rapidly. Online learners need the information now, and they don\’t have time to wait around for a large image to appear on the screen, pixel by pixel.

7. Are Online Training Materials Designed for Mobile Learning Also Available Offline?

Many HTML5 Learning Management Systems now offer offline viewing. Online learners can simply download the online training content, complete the online training activity or module, and then sync back with the system. The Learning Management System automatically updates their progress when they connect to the Internet. This makes mobile learning even more convenient as online learners are able to get the information they need whenever, wherever, even when Wi-Fi is out of the equation. Another option is to transform your online training course into an app. Online learners have the option to download the packaged app and then receive training whenever their schedule allows.

Mobile learning design hinges one very important factor: your eLearning tools. You must have authoring and Learning Management System software that offer mobile-friendly features such as responsive design support. So do your research and look for tools that meet your mobile learning needs to create on-the-go online training content.

All statistics point to the fact that mobile device usage is on the rise. Tablets and smartphones are now the go-to sources for information, and eLearning professionals should be focused on mobile-friendly eLearning courses. Read the article Responsive Design In Mobile Learning: 5 Reasons To Develop Mobile-Friendly Online Courses to discover the basics and benefits of using responsive design to develop mobile learning experiences.

  • \"christopher-pappas-elearning-industry\"Christopher Pappas is founder of The eLearning Industry’s Network, which is the largest online community of professionals involved in the eLearning Industry. Christopher holds an MBA, and an MEd (Learning Design) from BGSU. eLearning Blogger | EduTechpreneur | eLearning Analyst | Speaker | Social Media Addict