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Personal Development: How to Involve Your Managers

A business needs to be in a constant state of development because stagnation isn’t an option in today’s market. Everyone knows that competition is fierce no matter what business niche you’re in, so a business leader needs to make constant efforts to achieve progress. Because survival is key, it’s not just the head of the company that should be involved in this.

Every employee within your office needs to grow and prosper so that the whole company can do the same. However, the usual focus of professional development is usually on the office workforce, not the managers. Managers are the key part of every business because they are in charge of its internal structure, which is why they deserve some attention.


1. Provide Your Managers with Flexible Work Hours

The job description of your managers usually entails completing different parts of a project. Hence, their work hours look different than the work hours of the rest of your team. When it comes to the initial and closing parts of projects that come into your office, managers are usually swamped. However, this isn’t the case with the actual production.

Therefore, you should give your managers some freedom. After all, they are capable professionals who you employed to take care of vital parts of your business. So, having them around the office doing practically nothing is a waste of their time. For this reason, you should consider fashioning a different working schedule for them.

By doing this, you will relieve some pressure and make more time in their work schedule that they can use to work on more creative tasks. The newfound time in their schedule can be used for brainstorming, enriching your business in different aspects, or simply researching your competition or new business models, for example.


2. Give Them Tools to Make Their Jobs Less Time-Consuming

When it comes to most managing jobs, one of the tasks included in managers’ job description is multitasking. Although multitasking, in general, isn’t recommended because it affects productivity, their job simply requires this way of thinking.

Not everyone is a high-functioning multitasker. When you have a list of tasks in your mind that changes day after day, most of these tasks being fundamentally different and unrelated, it’s easy to make a mistake. It’s obvious that a manager’s mistake will affect the whole project, no matter its size.

For this reason, a business leader needs to empower their management team with tools. Naturally, those tools need to be in the form of quality pieces of software that will enable your managers to handle, manage, and transfer all information to the workforce in your office and the head of the company with minimal room for mistakes.


3. Regular Visits to Seminars and Conventions

As mentioned above, the management team within every office has a different working schedule, so their presence isn’t required in the office throughout the whole work week. As a company, you should use this extra time to find a way to improve your business model and take it to the next level.

The obvious way to do so is regular attendance at different seminars and conventions within your business niche. The management department of any company should consist of people who can represent your brand. Therefore, sending your managers to these events will not only upgrade their knowledge but also help spread the word about your business.

So, the first obvious benefit from this is making new connections, which are imperative for the development of any business. The second benefit is the possibility of transferring newfound information to the whole team. Therefore, a manager who attended a particularly useful seminar can create a course for the whole office.

When there is any kind of innovation you’d like to implement in your business model and change in the way you do business, courses should be your means of action. It’s an interactive way to share information with the whole group and has a built-in evaluation system.


4. Managers Need to Develop Social Skills as Well

Managers are the leading force of your business, so their job requires constant communication with the head of the business, the workforce within your company, different Clients, and stakeholders, etc. For this communication to be successful and fruitful to your business, it is necessary that they are pleasant to talk to, to say the least. So other than bringing their knowledge to the next level, they also need to work on their social skills.


5. A Leader Needs to Be Empowered by Their Followers

It is impossible to bring your company to a successful place in the future if your team is dysfunctional. For a manager to be followed, it’s primarily necessary for them to be liked. If someone in your management team is toxic for the whole working environment, they will affect the overall productivity. Therefore, it is imperative that you grow your business in a positive atmosphere that encourages collaboration, which is why you should make an effort to build a strong team spirit.


Summing up

By acting in accordance with the items mentioned above, you will be able to build a powerful management team. Taking these steps will enable the growth of the rest of your team and your company will be able to grow and stand out in the sea of similar businesses.


  • Kamy Anderson is an ed-tech enthusiast with a passion for writing on emerging technologies in the areas of corporate training and education. He is an expert in learning management system and authoring tools – currently associated with ProProfs.