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How to get your learners to embrace change – and the training that comes with it.

PulseLearning has partnered with organizations large and small to assist with strategic communication related to projects. We understand that large scale training initiatives are typically a support to a significant change within an organization. While that change may be very positive and productive for the company, many people may have fears about it or want to instinctively push back against it and reject it.

We partner with our client\’s official communication officer to co-create the appropriate communication that explains the nature of the changes, the reasons for them and the anticipated benefits. To encourage acceptance of the corporate change and full usage of the related training, we take several facets of communication into consideration.

These communications serve dual purposes – to inform and persuade. Learners must get the information they need to know what to do – and an understanding of why it is in their best interest to do so. Our style of communication helps learners understand the importance of making the needed changes – without downplaying (or sensationalizing) the consequences of doing it wrong or refusing to do it. Our goal is to motivate – not alienate.

Some communication can be simple and handled with a short email. Others contain specific detail that must be communicated and may be better handled with a supporting document or information on an intranet site or even a meeting with leadership. We can assist (or handle) production of supporting documentation and presentation materials (slides, talking points, answers to anticipated questions, practice sessions for the presentation) to support the client’s leadership with delivering the information.

We help the client determine which pieces of communication are particularly sensitive and may need to be presented by a high ranking individual in the organization. We partner with our communication contact to co-create that communication – to support the leader who will be sending it out.

We help our communication contact to determine the best timing to communicate each item (before, during, after the GoLive date on the changes). Ideally, we will want to give learners enough time to take any required actions but do not want the communication so far in advance of the change that it will be forgotten.

Changes that are particularly critical to operations or are complex may need to be communicated more than once, or communicated in stages. This helps ensure the learners understand what to expect and provides them multiple opportunities to reach out for help or clarifications.

We consider ourselves not to be just the training provider to our Clients, but the ongoing strategic partner. We aim to support you in effecting positive change in your organization. We align our efforts with your goals and your criteria for succcess as a business. If you\’d like to speak with us, please locate our nearest office on the Contact page of our site.