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How to Empower Employees to Give Their Best

3 Ways To Strengthen Your Corporate Culture by Empowering Employees.

Here’s a question for you:

What motivates you to go the extra mile in your role?

In a recent study, 20% of the 200,000 employees surveyed worldwide across 500 organizations answered ‘camaraderie and peer motivation’1. Surprisingly, ‘money and benefits’ didn’t take the lead, accounting for only 7% of the votes. The top five categories ranked as follows:

  1. Camaraderie and peer motivation (20%)
  2. Intrinsic desire to a good job (17%)
  3. Feeling encouraged and recognized (13%)
  4. Having a real impact (10%)
  5. Growing professionally (8%)

So, what is the common thread between these top five categories? They all describe the level of positive feelings employees have about working in a particular environment – that is, their attitude toward corporate culture. This means that the secret to motivating and empowering your employees to give 110% could lie in building a strong and supportive corporate culture.

Think of the current corporate culture in your organization. Is it encouraging and supportive? Does it foster growth? Do employees feel they can make a difference? Regardless of where your organization is right now, there are several ways you can strengthen your corporate culture to empower your people to bring their a-game. Let’s check out some of these now.

1. Provide leadership training

Managers and leaders play a crucial role in shaping organizational culture. These are the people responsible for role modeling the standards for behavior and work ethics, so it’s critical that they are setting the best examples. Providing leadership training to leaders and managers will ensure they are using the most effective and appropriate leadership and communication styles to empower employees.

2. Ensure a cultural fit

You won’t go wrong building a positive collaborative culture and selecting people who will work well within it. However, it’s not always possible to tell at the recruitment stage if a candidate is a great cultural fit. The good news is that you can develop employees into the team players you need by offering structured training on key culture aspects such as:

  • Engaging in open communication
  • Working in a collaborative environment
  • Handling stress and pressure

3. Build engagement

Engaged employees definitely add to a positive corporate culture. A disengaged employee is not emotionally invested or committed to their role or the organization. You can turn this around by increasing employees’ sense of value by:

  • Offering constructive feedback and reward
  • Encouraging peer-to-peer feedback
  • Providing opportunities for growth and development


There are many ways to create a positive corporate culture; however, training and development at all role levels is the foundation on which the culture is built. At PulseLearning, we develop effective, targeted eLearning and blended training solutions to assist organizations in building a productive and positive corporate culture.


  1. The 2014 TINYpulse Employee Engagement and Organizational Culture Report