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Is Gamification the Remedy for Corporate Training Issues?

So should you consider gamification for corporate training? In this article, PulseLearning discusses common training symptoms for which gamification could be just the remedy.

Gamification has proven to be more than a fleeting trend, as it continues to hold its place as the must-have addition to best-in-class e-learning. Gamification is the application of gaming elements and mechanics to non-gaming contexts. When added to learning, it helps attract and hold attention in a uniquely powerful way. It certainly seems that for now, gamification is still at the top of the corporate training leader board.

Issue 1: Training is not being completed.

Let’s be honest; do you complete training that isn’t mandatory? Even mandatory training often isn’t completed until the final reminder notice hits employee inboxes. But what if training were a fun, welcome break from an employee’s work tasks?

Gamification is a useful tool for motivating employees to complete training. Although it’s not a definitive solution, gamification is a vital ingredient in the engagement equation. To create lasting change, your organization needs to look closely at the learner behavior changes required and develop a multi-directional training strategy that changes employee behavior by addressing the problem of motivation.

Issue 2: Employees repeat common on-the-job errors.

Repeated mistakes in the workplace can mean one of two problems: Either you haven’t provided training for these tasks, or the training you do provide is ineffective. Engaging, memorable training is essential for ensuring that key learning messages are assimilated and retained long enough for them to become second nature on the job. Gamification could make the difference in connecting learners psychologically with your training so they can recall it later.

Issue 3: There is a negative association with training.

Word of mouth is just as important in the workplace as it is to marketers. People talk, and it doesn’t take long for word to get around about the latest training that will send you to sleep at your desk! Unfortunately, training delivered by “pushing it out there and hoping for the best” is a sure-fire strategy to create a negative learning culture within an organization. Tools, such as gamification, that offer enjoyment while learning can generate a shift in attitude toward training so that employees begin to see learning in a positive light.

Issue 4: There is a lack of knowledge application.

So you’ve created training, and the results captured by your LMS indicate that your employees have passed the assessment. This means that the training was a success, and employees are ready to put it into practice, right? Maybe not. If your training presents theory-based, awareness-level information that is pushed toward learners, will it be meaningful and easy to put into practice immediately?

Gamification approaches such as virtual environments can provide an excellent simulated practice ground for knowledge application. For example, you might be implementing a new process. Using gamification, you can set up the learners in a relevant situation and have them problem-solve through it. You could even have them make decisions against a timer or add knowledge bites to be collected throughout the training journey before rewarding achievement on successful completion.

Is your organization experiencing some of these common training issues? PulseLearning can help you explore gamification as a strategy for engaging and motivating your learners and generating a positive attitude toward corporate training. PulseLearning is an award-winning global learning provider experienced in learning consultancy and developing engaging and innovative eLearning and blended learning solutions.