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Change Management: 3 Reasons Why Training Supports Organizational Change

Here are 3 reasons why corporate training supports organizational change and is an essential part of the change management process.

Why Training Is Essential In The Change Management Process

“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.” – H.P. Lovecraft

In our personal and professional lives, most of us are creatures of habit and comfort. As serious as the quote sounds, it oozes truth: We fear change. The year 2016 is a time of accelerating change in technology, the global economy, and the business environment. These changes are altering the way organizations do business to ensure they don’t get left behind.

As workplace strategies, structures, and systems are adjusted, the organizational culture responds. Planned programs can support organizational change to ensure your people are guided through the change journey. Naturally, training is a key component for a smooth transition.

In this article, PulseLearning explores 3 reasons why corporate training is essential in the change management process.

1. Training increases the rate of change management success.

The harsh fact is that approximately 70 percent of change initiatives fail. Why? Change management failures are usually attributed to negative employee attitudes and unproductive management behavior. Statistics show that 33 percent of management behavior does not support change and 39 percent of employees are resistant to change. Because managers set behavioral standards in the workplace, it is important that they are on board with change and are setting the best example and tone for how change is received by their teams. You should provide your managers with eLearning training in your change management process and how to be the best advocates for change while providing appropriate support to team members. During times of change, delivering refresher leadership training to ensure managers are leading their people positively and productively can also be advantageous.

2. Training helps maintain visibility and encourage belonging.
A recent study showed that only 40% of corporate employees knew about their company’s goals, strategies, and tactics. This business information is only the tip of a large iceberg; other important details such as perceptions, beliefs, values, and shared assumptions might lie beneath the waterline, meaning employees have even less visibility of how the organization they are working for conducts business. Key to engagement on the job is having a sense of belonging and this comes from understanding the organizational environment. Your organization should offer sound induction training that clearly shares your mission, vision, values, and strategies and then provide regular refresher opportunities so these are committed to memory and embedded in daily operations.

3. Training promotes employee engagement.
Did you know that highly engaged employees are 87 percent less likely to leave their companies than disengaged counterparts? This statistic highlights the importance of engaging and involving employees in the change management process. Managers should be trained in how to deliver the change message incrementally to their teams, then they should gather feedback from individuals and use this input to influence change.

Handling organizational change effectively will significantly reduce associated fear and negativity and stop the rumor mill. By training your managers, they will be ready to support their teams as they adjust to change and learn new ways of doing things while feeling secure in the process.


If interested in the topic of Employee Engagement, check out our other recent articles:

  1. 5 Ways Training Cultivates Healthy And Engaged Employees
  2. 6 Strategies To Promote Upskilling In Corporate eLearning