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What Adult Learners Want

Way back in the 1970s, Malcolm Knowles identified the following six principles of adult learning: • Adults are internally motivated and self-directed • Adults bring life experiences and knowledge to learning experiences • Adults are goal oriented • Adults are relevancy oriented • Adults are practical • Adult learners like to be respected In plain

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Training in Action

The American Society of Training & Development (ASTD) estimates that U.S. organizations spent over 170 billion dollars on employee learning and development in 2010. It is a staggering number and no wonder that CEOs are asking how much return on investment they can expect. The answer to that question depends on another question: What did

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How do people learn?

Did you take a university- or college-level biology class? If so, do you remember how the lecturer stood in front of the class going through fact after fact, process after process, bacteria, protozoa, and the like? Then you went home and propped your eyes open with toothpicks to get through a textbook that was so

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Actions Speak Louder Than Words

It\’s 10:00 am and your office building just caught fire. What would you like your employees to do? Define emergency preparedness, describe the risks associated with lack of planning, or quickly and safely evacuate the building? Unless your employees are fire-proof, you are most likely to choose the last option. Our goal at PulseLearning is

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Destination: Creative Learning

Our instructional designers are finding more and more that employers are looking for creative training solutions. The fact is, employees don’t want training that shoves them back into an old-style school desk. It’s not that employees don’t want to learn, they do. As in everything, it’s the ‘how’ not the ‘what’ that matters most. Employees

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How to get your learners to embrace change – and the training that comes with it.

PulseLearning has partnered with organizations large and small to assist with strategic communication related to projects. We understand that large scale training initiatives are typically a support to a significant change within an organization. While that change may be very positive and productive for the company, many people may have fears about it or want

How to get your learners to embrace change – and the training that comes with it. Read More »